Saturday, November 12, 2016

West Hylebos Wetlands

Sometimes in the course of human events it becomes necessary to go our separate ways, at least temporarily, and venture out into nature with a friend rather than one another. Today was such a day for me and my friend, Stacy.

After meeting for lunch, we headed over to

We puzzled over the correct way to pronounce Hylebos because how are we supposed to know the proper way to say words we've never heard spoken? We settled on HIGH-le-boce. We're both pretty smart, so that's probably right. We also wondered where the name came from, and it took us half the loop before we came to a sign that explained it was an early Dutchman settler's name. I think it was a Dutchman. Stacy can correct me since she took a picture of that sign.

The trail begins and ends as a nice, level gravel pathway. We timed our visit perfectly, catching the day's sun breaks.

 The rest of the trail is mostly boardwalk. Obviously, it's not the most beautiful time of the year to visit, but we could see it having great appeal during the warmer, greener months.

Here's Stacy checking out the map and the flora and fauna we might expect to encounter.

Most of the flora was done being spectacular for the year, but we spotted this fauna far out in one of the ponds. According to my sources, it's a male Hooded Merganser.

The sun makes me happy.

It also makes me sneezy.
 (Stacy doubted I would post this photo. I win!)

 Here's to sun breaks and good friends. May you all have many of each in your lives!