Sunday, September 11, 2016

Millersylvania State Park

The September that I love returned this week, and off we went on another stomp-about.
Miller = the name of the second family to own the property, which, coincidentally, is the name of the first family to own the property although they were not related. Sylvania = Latin for "forest land." 

I had printed a trail map of the park, but it didn't include the mileage, so I took a pic of one of the park's many trail markers in order to add them up later. This is also a little trick I've used in the past when I've neglected to pre-print a trail map, that way I can just refer to my digital picture as my map if need be. 
The website says there are 8.6 miles of trails. We figure we got in somewhere between 6-7.

Hike = walk for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods. The majority of the trails look like this, very even and flat and soft. Trail running is popular here, for obvious reasons. There is even a section called the Fitness Trail,

complete with two sets of chin-up bars along the way. TBG could jump up to the highest one.

I was able to hop onto the low one (yes, my feet are off the ground.) Don't ask me if I could do a pull-up. Worry about your own self.

One of many stream crossings.

Enjoying the beautiful canopy = the uppermost spreading branchy layer of a forest. Branchy!

Douglas squirrel. 
We also saw a few garter snakes, lots of slugs, 


and this rude rabbit that refused to sit still while I zoomed.
Shortly after this photo was taken, I spotted perhaps the biggest bullfrog = a very large frog that has a deep booming croak and is often a predator of smaller vertebrates I've ever seen. It leaped into the lake before I could capture it on film, so I understand if you don't believe me. It's like the Sasquatch of bullfrogs. 

But I know what I saw.