Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lake Sammamish State Park

Fair warning! We did not get many pictures of our visit to this park, and the ones we did get aren't very good. In an effort to make this post more exciting, I will be supplementing with a few images gleaned online. Like this one:

We accessed the park from an entrance other than this one, so we never even saw the sign, but I feel obligated to include the sign picture for my state park posts. 

It's kind of goofy how close we live to some state parks but rarely or never go to them. This park is only about 30 minutes north of us, but we couldn't recall ever having been there together. Today was the day, and we set out for a quick trail walk-run to start off our weekend. (Actually we started much earlier in the day with housecleaning and laundry, but that ain't what I blog about.)

 This is how I felt about having to run in my regular glasses. It was overcast and too dark for my sunglasses, but I kind of like to see where I'm going, which meant it was these or running into things. I really need to invest in some prescription sport glasses.

This park has a mix of trail surfaces. You can tell this is not one of our photos by the sunshine. 

The sun did poke through a couple times, like my hair out the back of my hat. I don't know if I'm running here or not. Probably not. I didn't have a lot of running mojo today.

Blurry photo not taken by us. There is a cool section of boardwalk, and I distinctly remember running the length of it. Does that make it a boardrun?

We had to do a water crossing at one point. Well, we didn't really have to, but we didn't want to backtrack, and it was just a short wade through. Plus it was fun.

Interesting flora. I think it's some sort of rose by the pods, leaves, and thorns. 

This is The Big Guy about to yell at me for taking his picture instead of getting a move on after the water crossing. I gave him back the camera and ran away from him. Motivation comes in many forms and sometimes in a red shirt.