Not all hikes are with The Big Guy, you know. I do have a friend or two, thank you. On this day, my friend and I planned to hike up Big Si, but since it was the week for misdirection, we could only find the trailhead for Little Si. So up we went.
This is my friend, Mary. She has been my friend for many, many years, and she was, in fact, with me the night I saw The Big Guy for the first time. This photo is Mary being a "hiking vixen." Mary and I think things like that are hysterical. I love Mary.
This is me. I wasn't trying to be funny, but I kind of am, anyway, huh? I just like that my bottom looks smaller than my top for once, even if it sorta looks like I bit a lemon.
Here's Mary again. This time she's being "pensive." HILARIOUS!
And here we are together. Me and Mary. Mary and me. Freezing our friendship off.